Serving with Session
Serving with Session

The Session at Kirk in the Hills is a uniquely gifted group. Our membership affords us with ample professionals whose expertise and experience is a considerable and valuable resource. The Kirk calls upon members to lead and serve our congregation—as members of Session and in many other ways. They are highly talented individuals who work best with a leader who understands and empowers, as well as leads.

Session at the Kirk is comprised of spiritual, dedicated and diverse servant leaders for our church including: retired executives from the private and public sectors; educators at all levels of schooling; current leaders in industry, finance, government and the community; parents of school-age children and many with grown children. Reports from the committees and our large and active Board of Deacons help Session conduct very productive monthly meetings where the discussion is spirited, respectful and guided by our deep Christian faith. Our Session Covenant helps us to maintain a community and climate of worship so that the central question is not “What is the group consensus?” but “What is the leading of Christ in our midst?”

Session frequently reviews the Kirk’s progress in meeting our vision, mission and goals.  With pastoral and lay leadership, Session continually seeks to discern God’s will for the Kirk through prayer, hard work and continued dialogue with the congregation. 

This Session appreciates being challenged to greater heights—and sometimes even surprises itself!

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